What Are The Health Risks Of Vitamin D Deficiency?

Vitamins are nutrients that the human body needs in small quantities to grow and develop. While vitamins are not the building blocks of our body like protein or fat is, however they are essential for the normal growth and functioning of the body. Lack or excess of a vitamin can disrupt the biochemical functions of the body.

While most of your essential nutrients are derived from a healthy balanced diet, the diet may supply an insufficient quantity. That is where supplements come into the picture.

Some vitamins and minerals can be water-soluble which means that the excess vitamin received via diet or supplements (after absorption of the necessary quantity) will be excreted by the body. However, the ones that are not water-soluble (they are fat-soluble) can accumulate in the body over time.

The high-level vitamin groups are Vitamin A, B, C, D, E and K. Each vitamin has a different role to play in the functioning of the body.

Vitamin D is a special type of vitamin because its main source is not a diet. Rather, it can be produced by the human body with exposure to sunlight. There are of course some foods too like mushrooms, fatty fish like mackerels and salmon that can be the dietary source of Vitamin D. North Indian diet is highly lacking in these foods. Several studies have reaffirmed that 70% of the population in North India (adults and children alike) is Vitamin D deficient.

Vitamin D is required by the body for overall good health and in specific for bone health. Calcium as we all know is the basic building block for bones. Vitamin D helps our body absorb calcium from our diet (or supplements). With a Vitamin D deficiency, the calcium absorption is hampered resulting in poor bone density and joint health and osteoporosis in the long term. Vitamin D is also essential for the proper functioning of muscles, the nervous system as well as immunity.

While the climatic conditions in most parts of India are favourable for the body to naturally synthesize Vitamin D, however areas with extreme climatic conditions like the northern regions have a large population that is deficient in Vitamin D. In the last 15 years of my experience at Helix Pathlabs, I have observed a substantial number of patients in the Tricity tracing back their orthopaedic, osteoporosis, neurology and muscular illnesses to Vitamin D deficiency. It becomes even more pronounced in patients who have chronic kidney disease.

Vitamin D deficiency is extremely common. There are usually no immediate symptoms of the deficiency. However, people can have Vitamin D deficiency if the intake is lower than recommended over a long period of time.  The only way to know if you are getting a sufficient dose of Vitamin D is by getting yourself tested at regular intervals. Vitamin D tests have nowadays become a standard part of routine pathological testing. Helix Pathlabs offers the following Vitamin D tests:

  1. Vitamin D 25 hydroxy
  2. Vitamin D 1,25 dihydroxy

We also offer this as part of our standard health packages:

  • Helix Vitamin Package
  • Helix Healthy Package Silver
  • Helix Healthy Package Gold
  • Helix Bone Profile

Custom packages can also be created to meet your specific needs. Reach us to know more.


  • Can Vitamin D deficiency be a sign of cancer?

Vitamin D deficiency cannot be the cause or direct sign of cancer. However, some recent studies have indicated that low levels of Vitamin D can speed up the progression of breast cancer. A research study presentation made at the American Society for Radiation Oncology suggests that lowering the levels of Vitamin D faster the progression of cancer in the patients studied.

  • Does Vitamin D Deficiency Affect Sexual Health?

Several studies have found that the deficiency of Vitamin D can lead to sexual problems, including ED, low libido, and low testosterone levels. However, most of those findings were observational and needed more research to confirm a direct link between Vitamin D levels and sexual desires.

  • What are the signs and symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency?

Vitamin D deficiency can make you vulnerable to several health conditions such as getting sick often, feeling tiredness, bone and back pain, depression, and delayed wound healing.

  • Does Vitamin D Deficiency Cause Depression?

Studies have shown a connection between vitamin D deficiency and depression. Low levels of vitamin D can lead to poorly regulated mood and behaviour, as a deficiency can impact cognitive function and brain health.

  • Does Vitamin D Deficiency Cause Weight Gain?

A vitamin D deficiency hasn’t been linked to obesity yet.

  • Does deficiency of vitamin D cause hair loss?

Vitamin D plays a vital role in stimulating new and old hair follicles. New hair growth gets stunted if you suffer from vitamin D deficiency. So yes, it can lead to hair loss.

  • What are the long term effects of vitamin d deficiency?

Some of the long term effects of Vitamin D deficiency are osteomalacia or rickets. This is because it could weaken or soften the bones that could later increase the chances of broken bones resulting in skeletal deformities.

  • What is the first sign of vitamin d deficiency?

Among the first signs of vitamin D deficiency are fatigue, pain, muscle weakness and even depression.

  • Does Vitamin D Deficiency Cause Joint Pains?

Yes, it can. A vitamin D deficiency can impact both physical and mental health, but many people have low vitamin D levels. The signs of deficiency might include pain in joints, including RA pain, which often affects the legs, knees and hips.

  • Does the Lack of Vitamin D Cause Bone Disease like Osteoporosis?

Not taking vitamin D can affect your bone health as they lead to hyperparathyroidism and bone loss. This way, it makes you vulnerable to fractures and osteoporosis.

  • Is Low Vitamin D Sign of Gall Bladder Stone?

Vitamin D deficiency is often linked with gallbladder stasis.

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